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Catheter-based renal denervation is a new method for disrupting renal sympathetic nerves in the adventitia of renal arteries. A randomized clinical trial showed a decrease in blood pressure (BP) in resistant hypertensive patients. To guide clinicians and interventional practitioners in the use of this new approach, the French Societies of Arterial Hypertension, Cardiology and Radiology decided to combine their expertise and propose a consensus document assessing the benefit/risk ratio of this technique in arterial hypertension.
Position commune du Groupe de Rythmologie et de Stimulation Cardiaque de la SFC et du Groupe Affilié de Cardiopédiatrie de la SFC concernant les conditions requises pour les ablations pédiatriques et des patients adultes avec cardiopathie congénitale
Philippe Maury, Jean Benoit Thambo, Alice Maltret, Nicolas Combes, Sébastien Hascoet, Nicolas Derval, Magalie Ladouceur, Philippe Acar, Pascal Amedro, Frederic Anselm, Fanny Bajolle, Adeline Basquin, Emre Belli, Pierre Bordachar, Guillaume Duthoit, Sylvie Di Filippo, Laurent Fauchier, Estelle Gandjbakhch, Daniel Gras, Celine Gronier, Clement Karsenty, Didier Klug, Linda Koutbi, Jérôme Lacotte, Gabriel Laurent, Daniela Laux, Jacques Mansourati, Eloi Marijon, Caroline Ovaert, Frederic Sacher, Nicolas Sadoul, Jérôme Taieb, Victor Waldmann, Karine Warinfresse, Pascal Defaye, Olivier Piot, Serge Boveda